About me

About me

Power of Words Donald Trumb Praesidend (Quack Quack) Yes V like Wrigleysparemint Gum wrigley gum just 4 Fun Disney Disney Disney Disney Land and Donal Duck. Donald daisy donald daisy Trumb Dick and Trumb and Donald Duck Yes Donald Trumb Hillary likes to smoke cigars Monica she’s the real star it’s like holly holly holly holly – wood like Disney Land Praesidend old Donald Trumb is Praesidend quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack Quack quack quack Ludwig Thoma Jun comes from a very musical family and was associated with music early on, took over a long time Time singing lessons. He masters the guitar and trumpet as well as the keyboard and drums. From 1977 – 1982 he produced together with the band Fix & Fertig two MCs, a mini EP and an LP. He toured in Switzerland and the Netherlands with the group Sportivo, brought out another CD in 1986, toured in the same year with Ann Clark in London, to today followed by eight more CDs. In 2003, he presented his music during a television appearance on Sat one. Since June 2009 Germany-wide Hotel Lounge & Marketplace Tour. The plans for 2010 include a live project tour „Ludwig Thoma Jun. & Friends“ UNPLUGGED together with Andreas Juergensen, Michl Diez, Karola Kostial and Andreas Jordan. The release date for the new CD UNPLUGGED with 21 songs is April. His music leans towards Neil Young, Nicki Sudden, Nick Cave, Velvet underground. He occurs on 31.1. together with Karola Kostial in Birkenried, framing her reading with her own songs and guitar playing.

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